Alternate Life

For those who follow this and Ruin, I'd suggest reading Ruin's most recent chapter first for the full effect. You don't have to, but I'd recommend it.


Carnaxa showed me this world called Coconut Island. You're meant to make a living off of alternative means like painting, writing, gardening, collecting.

It amazing, and I can't stop playing it. This is the most I've played TS3 ever.

Mary came to the island with no skills. Jimmy came with full athletics, martial arts, moar fight and assassination. (You should be going, "assassination?? Moar fight?" Yep! In TS3, skills can actually be added like careers in TS2. I haven't completely explored this yet.)

She writes and gardens, he cooks, fishes, and does general handy work around the house.

Of course I plopped down another visitor for them from the sim bin. An older version of Jimmy's little brother. Which of course means that the girls he was talking to...

And those last shots: Sim births take a couple of sim hours. Since there's no hospital on the island, they can only wait. After his initial freak out, Jimmy wandered off to garden, then he went to bed. That's why he's suddenly shirtless in the pictures where he's snuggling the baby.

Their daughter's name is Kaya.


Nicole said...

You're evil!

I kid, I kid. It did make me feel 100x sadder, though. :( Aw man, what could have been...

I have request. I would really like to see Kaya when she's older. The larvae-- I mean, "babies" in TS3 are just little clones of one another. XD It's hard to see who she resembles more.

Carla said...

Awww, this makes me sadder and happier at the same time. Sad because this isn't canon in Ruin but happy because it's nice to know your characters can have a fairytale kind of life in a parallel world.

I'd love to see Kaya when she's older too, when you get that far.

The Lunar Fox said...

Nicole, request will be granted. As I play that is. I can see right now she had his eyes. Looks like she has his skin coloring too. This'll be interesting!

Carla, it is definitely a fairy tale life. It is soooo much fun! Pictures will definitely be coming as she gets older.

OH and I forgot to add that the baby was autonomous! One of the hacks I suppose. I was content to send them out together, but they decided to try for baby. I wasn't about to argue that.

Laura said...

Awww, this :( You're just trying to make me cry, now aren't you? *gets a tissue* Awww, and a baby, and a whole life. Awww, her name! I love her name!

But they never could have had this life, in the world they lived in, but they could have had something maybe. So awww :(

I love Jimmy now, by the way. Maybe more than Brandon... it's close, lol! But I'm in love with a Jimmy in real life, so maybe he gets bonus points for that. And you know, I just can't resist those dark tortured ones ;)

I loved those pregnancy pictures!

Anonymous said...

Oh man. This is just so sad.

The only comfort I take in it is that it's a world they couldn't possibly have had anyway....even if they could have been together, it would have been really hard. But...that's not too much comfort, really. Dammit. This life is so beautiful.

You that I think about it, I wonder if any of your tribal characters have monogamous, loving, committed relationships (Mitchell and Angel don't count, because Mitchell isn't in love with Angel).

The Lunar Fox said...

Laura, just paying you back, lol.

You love Jimmy maybe more than Brandon? *gasp* Is that possible? Hmm. I guess it is. I fluctuate between those two all the time, lol.

Aren't the belly meshes cute? It just grows so subtly!

Rachel, maybe that's why I enjoy playing them on the island so much. It's really just them and Brandon and his family, and some NPCs.

Oh that's a good question! I had to think about it. None of the characters in the main story are in true monogamous, loving and committed relationships. Mostly because they're rather young or they're a bit damaged.

But there are those who commit to partners they do love. There's actually a name for it. They call it "bonding." It's not something taken lightly and it's not done often because it isn't reversible.

KDSGS said...

What could have been...always sad and heart breaking, what a contrast to your 'text only' update, great companion piece!

The Lunar Fox said...

Thanks Drew! This one being all pictures was something of happenstance. I didn't intend on it, and then decided to run with it when I saw I had so many freakin' pics!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* the life they could have had. :(

I LOVE this picture, by the way. It's too damn sweet!!! X)

The Lunar Fox said...

Isn't that pic cute? That's the first time I've noticed them doing that in TS3. I mean, I knew they do it in TS2, but I'd never paid attention before.

TS3 woohoo is so... well... there's some music and there are heart shaped petals that come floating down. Yeah, I usually go to another sim room to avoid it, lol.

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