Let's NOT do that again!

But I probably will.

This update probably had the largest cast of characters so far. And by that I mean actual characters I care about, not just background characters.

Maybe this will only be amusing to me, but what the heck. More behind the scenes fun so you can see what I put up with when working with these sims. Sometimes it's very much like working with my cats.

So these shots are actually before Chapter 22. I moved all the sims I would need to a special lot, and then had to wait. The sun was setting, and there's no way to turn back time in game or set the hour (unless that's a feature of one of my hacks that I don't know about which is possible).

With a lot of time on their hands and all needs static, these are the tales of the sims behind the stories.

Let's start with these two. I left them alone, and they were the ones that started everything. They were flirting up a storm, and no one had any objections to it. Luckily. I just knew that things were out of control when these two started up.

I hoped around watching the others for a bit. Angel and Mitchell were chatting around back. These two are always drawn to each other. If there's a group of sims, I am sure to find these two near each other.

And just because we never get enough Angel:

Also around back, Maria and Paula were chatting when Maria stopped to do something that confounded Paula.

From this angle, it's still not clear. (Kidding of course. It's actually the start of the martial arts idle. I just love Paula's face and thought bubble, and the way Maria looks like she's guarding something precious.)

The brothers were having one of their normal conversations.

It may look like Brandon's calling Jimmy a blockhead, but he's actually telling his brother that he's upset and that's how he made him feel. Because Jimmy was insulting him again.

Meanwhile these two were still at it:

Get a room!

I then had the boys spar for the fun of it.

Henri happened past. (He's still at the normal apartment lot that Paula's always on.) He didn't look impressed. Perhaps he'd have some tips to share if he wasn't standing on the other side of the fence?

Paula was also watching. I think she was a little concerned because Brandon got his butt beat.

I guess she was cheering kinda loud, because Jimmy came over to have a talk with her.

She looks a tad worried. But as they talk, she finds he isn't all that bad.

And it even ends in smiles.

And then Jimmy calls her a yeti. (Or maybe her mother or her mother's family. It's all the same to him.)

How hurt does she look? Nice Jimmy! (But is it bad that her hurt face makes me laugh? She's so cute. She's like, "A yeti? I'd never say anything like that to you.")

Morning FINALLY came, and I needed to make sure that these silly sims would stay out of the shots I needed for the first chapter.

THAT is how you corral some sims.

So remember how Alex tackled Paula?

Yeah, that was a romantic move. I was very surprised that it worked. Sometimes my teens and adults refuse to play along and humor me even after I tell them that it's going to be completely innocent. But these two were all game for it. I don't think Paula could say yes fast enough.

Well, there was someone who didn't like this obvious mischief between an adult and a teen. Thanks to Awesome Mod, Alex actually got arrested. I had to reset sim to get him back for the next update.

And I will leave you with a randomly snapped picture from the most recent update.

These were just random idles, but I'm sure that Paula's just made a joke that Alex couldn't get and she finds rather funny. I would guess this happens a lot, but there's still a charm to it. They're each in (and from) their own worlds, and somehow it still feels like it works for them even if Paula has to try and explain her jokes (which never works out very well).


J A Murphy said...

Oh man, you had me in stitches when I read that Alex got arrested - was it for flirting with Paula? That's a classic!

Do Angel and Mitchell have any romantic connection in your game or do they naturally just gravitate towards each other? I've seen that happen with a couple of my sims and it's interesting to see that they really do develop their own preferences and personalities.

This post is actually quite timely and struck a chord with me because my current VS update requires 11 characters in a room together and I have just hit the quit button on TS3 (it was that or throw the laptop out the window) because even with free will turned off they will NOT do what they're told! It took 12 sim hours to get them all where they were supposed to be for one freaking shot.

Sorry for the rant, frustration still on overload I think :o

Nicole said...

WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF CORRALLING SIMS? :( It's such a simple solution for the wanderers.

And LOL at Alex. I-I never noticed Paula was a teen sim. D: Wow, and I've been reading Ruin for a while now... Her hurt face is so adorable.

And more Angel is always welcome. He's so gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at Alex getting arrested. "We're very serious about statutory rape here in the Southlands."

Yep, yep, getting that many Sims to participate in a photoshoot would be like herding cats.

Jimmy. Such an ass in the game, it seems. He's still bitter over his lost future with Mary...yeah, that's it.

Oh Angel....so beautiful. :)

The Lunar Fox said...

Illandrya, yes, he got arrested for flirting with a teen, lol. That's awesome mod's penalty because Pescado doesn't approve. But sometimes it's necessary!

Angel and Mitchell are romantically linked in my game, so that's the main reason they gravitate towards each other, I'm sure. Though there they were just talking. It was cute.

I totally forgot to put up this link to Twallan's The Relativity. That was indispensable this update! I used it to stop time during the fights so I could have enough time to takes all the pictures I wanted.

Also, you're using move objects and just placing them where you want? I never trust these guys to hit their mark, so I plop them where I want them.

Nicole, apparently you're not as devious as I am? Bwahaha!

You know, I find it hard to tell teens apart other than that they're shorter. Even when I'm playing the game. But Paula does make the best hurt faces, lol.

I love Angel. I think he needs more updates.

Rachel, LOL! They're very serious about it indeed.

Jimmy is a huge ass in the game. I consider it a caricature of the real character in my head, lol.

I'm very surprised at Angel. I didn't like his face when it was first created, but it's grown on me. He's a very handsome and interesting looking sim.

J A Murphy said...

Ahh, gotcha. Luckily the EGC doesn't have that penalty - I hope, I haven't been caught yet.

Moveobjects on gets them in the room, but it doesn't make them sit ... nine of them need to sit and for some reason even with free will off, if they don't want to sit they will still stand up and move around ... grrrrrrrrrrr. I've never used cheats to clean up motives before, but I think I'm going to have to here. By the time they were all in place I had 12 hungry, tired, dirty, "need to pee" sims.

The Lunar Fox said...

Oh, lol, that might be part of the problem. I'm noticed they don't like to sit still with needs low. Not too sure about freewill off though. They should sit still, but they might pop up to complain.

The cheat is very easy and highly recommended. Just turn on the testingcheats and then shift click on a mail box. No wonder you sound so frustrated, lol.

J A Murphy said...

Yep, easy ... why on earth have I never used that before? All shots are done now *claps hands together and jumps about like a moron*

Carla said...

Ha, they need Freezer Clock for TS3! I bet that would be much more complicated in TS3, considering the whole seamless hood thing. Locking doors though...it'd probably be pretty easy for them to implement that and it'd be a handy corralling method too!

LOL, when I first saw that picture of Maria, I thought she was gardening!

Paula is so adorable. LOL, does that always happen when you do romantic interactions between teens and adults? They get arrested? I haven't been able to use AM since pre-WA (crashy crashy, for me) so I'm so out of the loop on that.

The Lunar Fox said...

Oh you can lock doors. I do that back at Henri's apartment. All of these guys are there, usually locked in a room waiting for their cues, lol.

I don't think they get arrested any time an adult and teen have interactions. It seems to mostly be when it's outside. Michael actually got picked up once too, but the cop just ran out and then ran away again without doing anything. Meanwhile, I've had sims fooling around to take pictures inside a house and nothing happened, but that could just be because chances of detection are lower or something when indoors. Seems like something Pescado would probably do.

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